Nei Appam
Nei appam
Nei Appam
Appam or nei appam is a delicious neivediyam or for festivals like Krishna Jayanthi , for invoking blessings from Lord Krishna in the infant form on the evening of KrishnaJayanthi .On the auspicious ocassion of Janmaashtami we fry these sweet delicacies in ghee . Nei Appam is a famous Kerala sweet and also prepared for Avani Avittam , Karthigai Deepam and other important Hindu Tamil festivals . Nei Appam also makes a delcious evening snacks for the young and old alike .
Delicious ghee appam for festivals or for anytime snacking .
1 cup raw rice washed and soaked for 6 hours
1 cup jaggery and syrup prepared after filtering
3-4 tbsp finely chopped coocnut pieces
and fried in ghee
1-2 bananas chopped
ghee for the appam karal
1/2 tsp black sesame seeds
pinch of ginger powder
pinch of cardamom powder
1 tbsp wheat flour
Grind rice to fine paste, with the jaggery syrup add bananas to paste and grind well , dont add water but use the jaggery syrup to grind with .
Add 1 tbsp wheat flour to the batter . mix well .
After making the appam batter , add the sesame seeds , cardamom powder, ginger powder , fried coconut pieces
Allow batter to rest for at least 2 hours, then add ghee to the paniyaram pan ( appam pan )
Add batter in each well of the appam pan . cook both sides till done , remove and place on a kitchen napkin to drain excells ghee .
cardamom powder , salt , ginger powder, sesame seeds , fried coconut bits
Karthigai adai
Karthigai neivediyam
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I enjoy baking these eggless burger buns that closely resemble classic brioche buns are soft, slightly sweet, and have a rich, buttery taste with a tender yet slightly chewy texture. These buns are enriched with milk, butter, and a touch of honey , giving them a beautiful golden-brown crust and a light, airy crumb inside.