Golu festival dates coincide with the Sharad Navratri. In 2024 the festival will start on October 3 and continue till October 12 Th October
Godess Maheshwari
Devi Durga
The word "Navaratri" is a conjunction of two words "nava" (meaning "nine") and "ratri" (meaning "night"). Spread over 9 nights and 10 days, it is one of the most sacred festivals in Hinduism where we worship Goddess Durga or Shakti, which represents the energy of the universe, in her 9 beautiful forms with great reverence.
There are various reasons why Navratri is celebrated, and each has its own significance in different parts of India
During the nine days of Navratri, devotees worship nine avatars of Goddess Durga, namely Shailaputri, Brahmacharini, Chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Skanda Mata, Katyayani, Kalaratri, Mahagauri, and Siddhidatri.
1.Shailaputri Devi (Baala Tripurasundari)
2 Brahmacharini Devi (Gayatri)
3 Chandragantha Devi (Annapurna)
4 Kushmanda Devi (Mahalakshmi)
5 Skandamata Devi (Lalita Tripurasundari)
6 Kaatayani Devi (Saraswati)
7 Kaalaratri Devi (Durga)
8 Mahagauri Devi (Mahishasura Mardini)
9 Siddhidatri Devi (Rajarajeshwari)
These are the nine goddesses worshipped on Navaratri.Merely by reciting these name not only on Navaratris but everyday and even on difficult moments where in the people are attacked by natural calamities,enemies,or facing any sort of severe problem will definitely be protected by the grace of Ma Durga.These nine names according to Durga Sapthashati from markandeya Purana are extremely powerful than any other mantra, as well as very easy to recite too.
The Five Navaratri.
Navarathri is celebrated five times a year. They are Vasanta Navaratri, Ashadha Navaratri, the Sharada Navaratri, and the Paush/Magha Navaratri. Of these, the Sharada Navaratri of the month of Puratashi and the Vasanta Navaratri of the Vasanta kala are very important.
1. Vasanta Navaratri: Basanta Navaratri, also known as Vasant Navaratri, is the festival of nine days dedicated to the nine forms of Shakti (Mother Goddess) in the spring season (March–April). It is also known as Chaitra Navaratri. The nine days of festival is also known as Raama Navratri.
2. Gupta Navaratri: Gupta Navaratri, also referred as Ashadha or Gayatri or Shakambhari Navaratri, is nine days dedicated to the nine forms of Shakti (Mother Goddess) in the month of Ashadha (June–July). Gupta Navaratri is observed during the Ashadha Shukla Paksha (waxing phase of moon).
3. Sharada Navaratri: This is the most important of the Navaratris. It is simply called Maha Navaratri (the Great Navratri) and is celebrated in the month of Ashvina. Also known as Sharad Navaratri, as it is celebrated during Sharad (beginning of winter, September–October).
4. Paush Navaratri: Paush Navaratri is nine days dedicated to the nine forms of Shakti (Mother Goddess) in the month of Paush (December–January). Paush Navaratri is observed during the Paush Shukla Paksha (waxing phase of moon).
5. Magha Navaratri: Magha Navaratri, also referred as Gupta Navaratri, is nine days dedicated to the nine forms of Shakti (Mother Goddess) in the month of Magha (January–February). Magha Navaratri is observed during the Magha Shukla Paksha (waxing phase of moon).
There is a shloka which is very easy to memorise these names.
Prathamam shailaputri cha dwitiyam brahmacharini
Tritiyam chandraghanteti kushmandeti chaturthakam
Panchamam skandamateti shashtham katyayaniti cha
Saptamam kalaratriti mahagaurititi chashtamam
In Nine (Nava) Nights (Raathris )=>Nava Raathris —Ten days —Three Devis (Goddesses ) Neutralise —Demons /Devils /Satans ( Dhaithyaas (Sons of Dhithi) and Dhaanavas (Sons of Dhanu) —Kasyapa is Common Father for Dhaithyaas (Demons) -Dhanavas (Dare Devils) and Fearsome Angels also!!!! (Through a Third Wife Adhithi => 12 Sons => Aadhithyaas )
Demons and Devils GET Power only at Night ( Nisha Asuraas —Nisha => Night —Asura /Demons )—
Godess Kowmari
( 1) Devi Sri.Lakshmi => Neutralises => Madhu (Inebriating Alcoholic /Narcotic beverages and health Problems arising out of them -Cirrhotic Liver etc) and KAIDABA (Keeda => disease causing Insects /Microbes) -FIRST 3 DAYS
(2) Devi Sri Saraswathi => Neutralises ULTRA IDIOT( SUMBHA ) /& INFRA MORON (Nisumbha ) removes ILLITERACY -Pure Clothes & Cleanliness -SUBRA VRTHAM —Next 3 days
(3) Devi Sri.DURGA (Durga means FORT /Protection) -Prowess -Bold—Fearlessness /Protection of Ladies from Scoundrels - Thugs —Neutralises MAHISHA (Buffalo like thick Skinned /Insensitive /Ruthless fellows having No etiquette —Chanda & Munda —they Do “‘EVE TEASING “ of Devi Durga Herself and ask HER to marry them ,because She is SO Beautiful and her Beauty is an Impediment in effectively FIGHTING Her.—Devi Says => “If that is the cause of your detraction from fighting ,I shall take MOST UGLIEST FORM (Maa KAALI ) and you fight me “
(4) Tenth day is the VIJAYA DACAMI (VICTORIOUS Tenth day)
These are all described in SRI.DURGA SAPTHA SATHI (700 verses)
The Durga Puja is synonymous with Navaratri in the eastern and northeastern states of India, whereby the goddess Durga fights and emerges victorious over the buffalo demon to help restore Dharma. The festival is associated with “Rama Lila” and Dussehra in the northern and western states, celebrating the war and triumph of god Rama over the demon king Ravana. The triumph of various goddesses, Rama or Saraswati, is celebrated in the southern states. The common theme in all cases is the battle and triumph of Good over Evil on the basis of a regionally popular epic or legend such as the Ramayana or the Devi Mahatmya.
प्रथमं शैलपुत्री च द्वितीयं ब्रह्मचारिणी।
तृतीयं चन्द्रघण्टेति कूष्माण्डेति चतुर्थकम्।।
पंचमं स्कन्दमातेति षष्ठं कात्यायनीति च।
सप्तमं कालरात्रीति महागौरीति चाष्टमम्।।
नवमं सिद्धिदात्री च नवदुर्गा: प्रकीर्तिता:।
उक्तान्येतानि नामानि ब्रह्मणैव महात्मना:।।
There is a marvellous Puranic story about the birth of Durga.
It is said that a terrible buffalo-headed demon,Mahishasura,had succeded in conquering all the gods (or devas) and established himself as the master of all creation. The gods,despairing in defeat, retreated to a conclave under Lord Indra to find a solution. They decided to pool their strenths,each cotributing a particular weapon or personal attribute, and when they had made their engulfed the universe from which emerged a fierce female warrior,riding a snarling tiger,wielding a weapon in each of her eighteen arms.
She engaged in furious and bloody battle with Mahishasura for nine day and nine night, at the end of which she vanquished him.
These nine day and nine night are celebrated annually as the nine-day Navratri festival.
which celebrated the defeat of terrible evil by the force of good.
we pray Maa Durga's 9 manifestations and on the 10th day with all Shaktis together. Because to fight with Mahishasura all Goddesses brought their powers together and then Maa Durga was born, Just to kill Mahishasura.
So for nine days we worship all those Devis separately and cook their favourite food and show our obeisance and on the 10th day we pray Durga Devi with all the powers of all Goddesses.
Mahishasura Mardhanam (Slaying of Mahishasura) :
Once there lived a fierce demon named Mahishasura (meaning buffalo demon), since he was born to an asura named Rambha and a buffalo (a princess who was cursed to be a buffalo).
Mahishasura was taught by Shukracharya, the AsuraGuru. He does penance towards Lord BrahmaDev, the creator as per the order of his guru to attain more powers.
As a result of his penance, Lord Brahmadev appeared and asked him for his desired boon. He requested Lord BrahmaDev that he should possess all types of magical powers and from none of his creation should be the cause of his death except for a woman, thinking they are the most weakest. The Creator granted him the boon, he desired for.
Then Mahishasura gathered all the demon army from all the regions, attacked and won all the three worlds including the Heaven and throwed Indra out of Heaven. In fear of Mahishasura, the Devas started living incognito in forests.
Due to lack of Yagnas, Devas got lean and lose their energy day by day. In order to save them and to regain the Heaven, they all surrendered to Trimurthis (Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva).
On hearing the words of Devas, the Trimurthis got angry. The rays of light were combined onto other flames, and they issued forward together taking the shape of a woman.
All of the Gods presented her with new red clothes, jewelry, a crown, a lion for her vehicle, weapons and many other items. Shiva gave her a trident, Vishnu gave her a discus, Brahma gave her a water pot and rosary, Marut gave her a bow and arrow, Indra gave her a thunderbolt, Wind God gave her a noose, Fire God gave her a spear.
Rain God gave her a conch shell, Sun God gave her his powers of the bright 10,000 suns inside her most powerful body, Rudra and Veerbhadra both gave her a shield, sword and scimitar, Lord Yama gave her a lasso, Vishwakarma and Kuber gave her a battle-axe, lotus, weapon made out of thorns, spear, longsword, vajra, spade, baton, beating stick, cleaver, javelin, snake.
The Gods kindly asked her to destroy the evil demon Mahishasura. Upon hearing Lord Vishnu giving her the name of Goddess Durga. She caused trouble for the demons by making the three worlds shake, including the heavens and hell. That shake echoed throughout the skies, and the seas trembled as the Goddess descended on earth. The Gods and sages beheld the Supreme Goddess.
On seeing that, Mahishasura searched through who had created this chaos which is like a challenge to the ruler(him). At the end of search, he finds Devi Durga beautifully seated in the lion with numerous hands and radiance equal to thousands and thousands of Sun.
On seeing such extreme beautiful Durga, he introduces himself as Mahishasur, the ruler of whole world and proposes to accept his love and offers to marry him.
But Devi Durga warns him asks to fight with her. But Mahishasur refuses to attack a beautiful woman like her. But Devi Durga insists him. At the end of word duel, Devi offers him that if he win the battle against her, then she will marry him.
So, they started fighting each other. At the beginning, thinking that he can easily win her, but on seeing the proceeding of war, he calls upon his armies and soldiers for assistance.
But Devi shatters all his armies, soldiers very easily. Having lost all his armies, soldiers Mahishasura started using his magical powers, through which he takes multiple forms and starts attacking Devi. But Devi as she itself MahaMaya, clears all his illusions and wins over his magical powers.
At last, he starts a one-on-one duel with Devi. But devi pushes him off and cuts off his head and kills him with her Trident and to her fury not yet controlled, started doing Tandava on Mahisha's body and stands on the buffalo head of Mahishasura, thereby getting the name "Mahishasura Mardhini" (Slayer of Mahishasura).
It's believed that this battle continued for 9 days. On 10th day, Devi Durga attains victory by slaying Mahishasura (win of good over bad), which is celebrated as Navratri and Victory day was referred as "VijayaDasami" (Vijaya means Victory and Dasami refers to 10th day).
Shumbh-Nishumbh destruction .
Godess Kali
Godess Kali
Another accout of celebrating Navratri was the slaying of Asura Brothers Shumbh and Nishumbh, which is more or less similar to the above story, but these brothers asked for a boon that they should die only by a virgin woman (Considering Shakti Devi as consort of Lord Shiva).
So to slay Shumbh and Nishumbh brothers, according to the wish of Devi Adi Shakti, Kaushiki emanates from the body of Devi Parvathi and starts staying in Himalayas.
On Seeing the extreme beauty of Kaushiki, the commanders of Shumbh-Nishumbh brothers, Chand and Mund reports them about her beauty and says them to marry her.
So they send messengers to Kaushiki in offer for marrying them. But Kaushiki stricly tells them that she had took an oath that she will marry only the person whoever wins her in the battle.
Inspite of many offerings by Shumbh-Nishumbh brothers, Kaushiki DEvi insists them to come for battle. So they sends many of his commanders and Soldiers for kidnapping her. But all fails.
1. Shumbh-Nishumbh brothers sends their commander Dhumralochan first. But Devi Kaushiki fires him into ashes just by her furious breathe when he comes nearer to kidnap her.
2. Then they send very powerful warrior brothers Chand-Mund. They try to get Kaushiki by soft words first, then starts threatening her. But she is firm in her determination. So they starts to fight with her.
Then Devi Kaushiki looks them in anger. From her anger, a jyoti emanates from her forehead, from which Kaali appears who is blackish and looking very furious and terrific.
She orders her to slay Chand-Mund. On her order, Kali Devi gets larger in her form and starts attacking soldiers and armies of Chand-Mund. She just catches all the Arrows and weapons of soldiers and breaks it easily.
And she just swallows all the horse-men and chariot-men, elephant-men. Atlast, she cuts off the heads of Chand and Mund and takes the head(Chand) of Chand and Body(Mund) of Mund to Kaushiki Devi.
She praises about her valour and names her as Chamundi/Chandika, slayer of Chand and Mund.
3. Then they send the another powerful demon named Rakthabeej. He had obtained a different boon that whenever blood drops his body, that much of Rakthabeej would form from it.
He comes to Kaushiki Devi and starts fighting with her. She sends Kaali devi.
To assist her, Trimurthis, Lord Karthikeya, Devas send their forces namely Brahmi from Lord Brahma, Vaishnavi from Lord Vishnu, Maheshwari from Lord Shiva, Gaumaari from Lord Karthikeya, Indraani from Lord Indra, Varahi from Yama, Prathyangira from Lord Narasimha.
They all assisted Kaali Devi in the battle. So to slay Rakthabeej, Kaushiki devi assisted Kaali Devi. She ordered to open wide her mouth so that his blood doesn't fall on land. As Kaushiki cuts the head of Rakthabeej, Kaali devi just drinks all his blood which is falling down, thereby slaying him completely.
4. Then Shumbh and Nishumbh enters the battle. After a long battle, Kaushiki Devi slays both Shumbh and Nishumbh brothers.
It's believed that this battle also continued for 9 days and attained victory on 10th day which is celebrated as Navratri.
Day 1 Devi Shailaputri
Shri Shailaputri Devi MantraOm Hreem Shri Shailaputri Durgaaye Namaha
Om Devi Shailputryai Swaha
Vande Vanchhit Laabhaay, Chandrardhkritshekharaam |
Vrisharudham Shooldharaam Shailputriim Yashaswinim ||
ॐ ह्रीम श्री शैलपुत्री दुर्गायै नमः |
ॐ देवी शैलपुत्र्यै स्वः |
वन्दे वंचित लाभाय, चंद्रार्धकृतशेखराम |
वर्षारूधाम शूलधरां शैलपुत्रीम यशस्विनीम ||
Day 2 Devi Brahmacharini
Shri Brahamacharini Devi Mantra
Om Hreem Shri Brahamacharini Durgaaye Namaha
Om Devi Brahmcharinyai Namah
Dadhaanaa Kar Padmaabhyaamakshmala Kamandaloo |
Devi Prasidatu Mayi Brahmcharinyanuttamaa ||
ॐ ह्रीम श्री ब्रह्मचारिणी दुर्गायै नमः |
ॐ देवी ब्रह्मचारिण्यै नमः |
दधाना कर पद्माभ्यामक्षमाला कमंडलू |
देवी प्रसीदतु मई ब्रह्मचारिण्यनुत्तमा ||
Day 3 Devi Chandraghanta
Shri Chandraghanta Devi Mantra
Om Hreem Shri Chandra Ghanta Durgaaye Namaha
Om Devi Chandraghantayayi Namah
Pindaj Pravaarudh chandkopastrkairyuta |
Prasadam Tanute Madhyam Chandraghanteti vishrutaa ||
ॐ ह्रीम श्री चंद्र घंटे दुर्गायै नमः |
ॐ देवी चंद्रघंटयई नमः |
पिंडज प्रव्रुद्ध चण्डकोपास्त्रकैर्युता |
प्रसादं तनुते माध्यम चन्द्रघण्टेति विश्रुता ||
Day 4 Devi Kushmanda
Shri Kushmanda Devi Mantra
Om Hreem Shri Kushmanda Durgaaye Namaha
Om Devi Kushmandayayi Namah
Suraasampoorna Kalasham Rudhiraaplutamev Cha |
Dadhaanaa Hastpadmaabhyaam Kushmanda Shubhdaastu Me ||
ॐ ह्रीम श्री कुष्मांडा दुर्गायै नमः |
ॐ देवी कुष्मांडायई नमः |
सुरासंपूर्ण कलशं रुधिराप्लुतमेव च |
दधाना हस्तपद्माभ्यां कुष्मांडा शुभदास्तु में ||
Day 5 Devi Skandamata
Shri Skandamata Mantra
Om Hreem Shri Skanda Mata Durgaaye Namaha
Om Devi Skandmatayayi Namah
Sinhaasangataam Nityam Padmaanchit Kardwayaa |
Shubhdaastu Sadaa Devi Skandmata Yashaswini ||
ॐ ह्रीम श्री स्कन्द माता दुर्गायै नमः|
ॐ देवी स्कन्दमातायई नमः |
सिंहासङ्गताम नित्यं पद्मांचित करद्वया |
शुभदास्तु सदा देवी स्कन्दमाता यशस्विनी ||
Day 6 Devi Katyayani
Shri Katyayani Devi MantraOm Hreem Shri Katyayani Durgaaye Namaha
Om Devi Katyayanyayi Namah
Chandrahaasojjval Karaa Shaardoolvarvaahanaa |
Katyayani Shubham Dadyaad Devi Daanavghatini ||
ॐ ह्रीम श्री कात्यायनी दुर्गायै नमः |
ॐ देवी कात्यायन्यायि नमः |
चंद्रहासोज्ज्वल करा शार्दूलवरवाहना |
कात्यायनी शुभम दद्याद देवी दानवघातिनी ||
Day 7 Devi Kalarathri
Shri Kaalaratri Davi Mantra
Om Hreem Shri Kaala Ratri Durgaaye Namaha
Om Devi Kalratryayi Namah
Ekveni Japakarnpoora Nagna Kharaasthita |
Lamboshthi Karnika karni Tailaabhyaktshariirini ||
Vaam Paadollasallohlata Kantakbhushanaa |
Bardhan Moordham Dhwajaa Krishnaa Kalratrirbhayankari ||
ॐ ह्रीम श्री काल रात्रि दुर्गायै नमः |
ॐ देवी कालरात्र्यायी नमः|
एकवेणी जपाकर्णपूरा नग्न खरास्थिता |
लम्बोष्ठी कार्णिक करनी तैलाभ्यक्तशरीरिणी ||
वाम पादोल्लसल्लोहलता कान्ताक्भुषणा |
बर्धन मूर्धामे ध्वजा कृश्णा कालरात्रिर्भयंकरी ||
Day 8 Devi Mahagauri
Shri Mahagauri Devi MantraOm Hreem Shri Maha Gauri Durgaaye Namaha
Om Devi Mahagauryayi Namah Shwete Vrishesamarudha Shwetaambardhara Shuchih |
Mahagauri Shubham Dadyanmahadev Pramodadaa ||
Sarava Mangala Mangalye Shive Sarvartha Sadhike Sharanyei Trymbake Gauri Narayani Namosthute
ॐ ह्रीम श्री महा गौरी दुर्गायै नमः |
ॐ देवी महागौरयाई नमः |
श्वेते वृषेसमारूढा श्वेताम्बरधरा शुचिह |
महागौरी शुभम दद्यान्महादेव प्रमोददा ||
स्राव मंगल मांगल्ये शिवे सर्वार्थ साधिके शरण्ये त्र्यम्बके गौरी नारायणी नमोस्थुते ||
Day 9
Navratri Day 9 Mantra
Maa Siddhidatri Mantra
“Om Devi Siddhidatryai Namah”
Siddha Gandharva Yakhsadyairasurairamarairapi |
Sevyamana Sada Bhuyat Siddhida Siddhidayini ||
Ya Devi Sarvabhuteshu Maa Siddhidatri Rupena Samsthita |
Namastasye Namastasye Namastasye Namo Namah ||
Maa Siddhidatri Mantra in Hindi
"ओम देवी सिद्धिदात्रीयै नमः"सिद्ध गन्धर्व यक्षसिद्धिरसुरमरायर्पि |सेव्यमना सदा भूयात सिद्धिदा सिद्धिदायिनी ||यं देवी सर्वभूतेषु माँ सिद्धिदात्री रूपेण संस्थिता |नमस्तस्ये नमस्तस्ये नमस्तस्ये नमो नमः ||
According to Hindu calendar, Dussehra festival is celebrated in the month of Ashvina and it falls on the tenth day. As we know that Lord Rama fought a battle at Lanka with the demon king Ravana where Lord Rama killed Ravana. Therefore, Dussehra or Vijayadashami is celebrated. This festival is celebrated after the conclusion of the nine-day Navratri.
Dussehra Festival: History
There are several mythological stories behind this festival. This day in some parts of India signifies the day on which Goddess Durga killed the demon Mahishasur. That is why all the nine avatars of Goddess Durga are worshipped on the Navaratri. It is also said that Goddess Durga immersed in water with the devotees who signifies the departure of Goddess Durga from the material world after maintaining Dharma.
In South India, Dussehra festival mainly, in Mysore, Karnataka is celebrated as the day when Chamundeshwari, another avatar of Goddess Durga killed demon Mahishasur. Do you know that the entire city is illuminated with colourful lights and decorated beautifully? In fact parades of elephants which carry processions of Goddess Chamundeshwari were also carried throughout the city.
In North India, Dussehra festival is celebrated as the day when Lord Rama killed the demon king Ravana at Lanka. According to Hindu mythology, it is said that Ravana kidnapped Lord Rama's wife Sita. Ravana also got a boon from Lord Brahma for being indestructible. Lord Rama is considered as the seventh reincarnation of Lord Vishnu and in the battle; Lord Rama managed to shoot an arrow in the belly of Ravana and killed him. That is why, Dussehra festival is celebrated as a victory of good over evil.
Dussehra festival: Significance
Dussehra is the festival of the victory of good over evil. This festival signifies that wrong doings on some or the other day comes in front of everyone. Whether any evil forces push you, truth and righteousness always win. Also, Dussehra is considered as a day for starting new businesses or new investments. In South Indian in some states, on this day, small children are admitted to schools.
Dussehra festival: Celebrations
In various parts of northern India huge and colourful effigies of Ravana and his son Meghanada and brother Kumbhakaran are set on fire in the ground or open fields. People participate the event and enjoy. Dussehra festival is also observed by organising a theatrical enactment of life story's of Rama known as Ram Lila.
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