Millet Mango kesari
Millet kesari is just an obvious addition to my list of many millet dishes .Now that we have figured out how to incorporate millets in a variety of dishes why not some yummy desserts too . This has got to be the most easiest, most incredible of all millet dishes I must say .
Not only do millets cook super fast but taste wise it is really delicious though nothing like semolina if you are making a kesari nevertheless a roasted nutty taste i feel .
I love the way the kesari turned out great with very little use of ghee as the moist roasted powdered millet rava behave differently than semolina .lot of millet info in my blog do check it out .
Just to give a good fruity twist I added few tbsp of mango pulp as it was cooking , so ended up making some yummy mango millet kesari , not a special mango millet kesari recipe as such , just a taste added .
If you do not have fresh ripe mango pulp, no worry , add two tbsp of Tang mango powder, works like a charm! add it while finishing up.
roast kodo milets till aromatic and lightly golden .
A delicious mango millet keasri made quickly with kodo millets . Give a different taste to the usual by adding some mango pulp . Plain kesari taste just as good flavored with just cardamom powder.
Servings3 nos
Prep Time5 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
1/2 cup kodo millets / varagucan use any other millets like little millets or barnyard .
3/4 cup sugar or powdered jaggery .
3-4 nos cardamoms
5-6nos cashewnuts
3-4 tbsp mango pulpor 2-3 tbsp Instant Mango juice powder.
pinch saffron col
3 tbsp melted ghee
If the quality of your millets is good and not very dusty, you can wipe with a cloth and start without washing and drying on cloth .
Otherwise, it is recommended that you wash the millets few times till water is clear, then spread the millets on a dry clean cotton cloth , allow to dry . Then take it to a pan , dry roast the kodo millets till it changes colour to golden .It will be Will be aromatic too.
Remove and keep aside to cool .
Grind both sugar , cardamoms, and kodo millet in a mixie till a fine powder almost like semolina or even finer.Add the saffron powder to this mix, it helps when you to make kesari next time , store excess if any in a clean air tight container , stays good for months .
Remove and keep aside.
Heat a pan ,add some ghee, roast the cashew nuts , keep some for garnishing on top for later, rest you can keep in the ghee.
Add, water about 1 cup .
Allow to boil well.
Lower flame , add the measured millet rava , stir to avoid lumps.
Cover and cook on a simmer for 2-3 minutes .
Add remaining ghee if any .
When it thickens, add the mango pulp, mix well
Allow the kesari mixture to thicken slightly but not like upma. Remove when it is still loose in consistency .
Remove and let cool
Yummy delicious smooth kesari is ready , on cooling you will see it becomes very soft , lump free .
Do not allow kesari mixture to thicken too much like upma like a big lump, it becomes hard later.
Remove from flame and allow to cool when it resembles like a thick flowing mixture.
On cooling it becomes nice and firm .
Adding more sugar and ghee is up to you
Normally the proportion for rava and sugar is, for 1 cup rava , sugar is usually nearly 2 cups I have reduced slightly , as I added sweet mango pulp too.
Recipe Notes
I have powdered sugar with millet as I usually grind a qty of kesari mix and store in fridge for easy preparation . It helps when unexpected guests drop by and you need a quick sweet , just measure few tbsp of the ready kesari mix, boil water like is done for upma , add, mix, add ghee,stir, thicken its done in a jiffy . It is even more faster in a microwave .
Browse my Instagram feed for more recipes. Follow me in Instagram for daily uploads .
I enjoy baking these eggless burger buns that closely resemble classic brioche buns are soft, slightly sweet, and have a rich, buttery taste with a tender yet slightly chewy texture. These buns are enriched with milk, butter, and a touch of honey , giving them a beautiful golden-brown crust and a light, airy crumb inside.