Ancient Brass Collection

Brass is very attractive and useful . This was the choice of our ancestors for cooking needs and also used extensively in many other items of everyday use .

Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc .

Brass was earlier used in small towns and villages to cook the food. But nowadays it's commonly used to increase your immunity. Benefits Of Brass Vessels are:

Helps to increase your body immunity.

Heats up quickly, reducing gas usage .

Helps in curing respiratory diseases like

cough and asthma. Helps to sharpen your brain memory as zinc is present in the brass.

Brass vessel Prevents abdominal infections

Helps to add extra taste your food.

Water stored in a brass vessel increases strength and immunity.” In addition, it also helps pacify pitta (burning sensations, aggression), increases haemoglobin count, and improves the general condition of your skin.

Solid brass is a strong and durable metal. The combination of zinc and copper contribute to the strength of the material. Long-lasting – Unlike aluminum and plated steel, a solid brass fixture won't need to be replaced because of rust or corrosion.


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