Milk Pedha /Doodh pedha
Milk pedha
Delicious milk pedha / Doodh pedha that anyone can prepare with just milk and sugar . The recipe is so simple but time consuming because it takes nearly 30 minutes to reduce milk completely.
Yet it can be done if you start the process while you work in the kitchen cooking other things and keep an eye on the milk reducing gradually on another stove , towards the end you need to attend to it completely without distraction as the thickened milk may burn at the bottom .
First of all milk pedha is so easy that anyone can prepare if you manage to reduce the mixture to the perfect desired thickness . practically anyone can do this .
1 litre milk
1/3 cup sugar or as much as you prefer the sweetness .
Pinch of cardamom powder ( optional )
1 tbsp ghee
Few slivers of nuts to garnish .
Boil milk in a heavy bottomed vessel or non stick kadai
Keep checking on the milk till it starts reducing gradually .
When sufficiently thick , add sugar and continue to cook till completely thick .
Add 1 tbsp ghee and cook till thick and smooth .
Remove the mixture and cook for few hours .
Add pinch of cardamom powder if you wish , i dont add any flavours as the flavour and aroma from the thickened pedha mixture is so enticing , one really doent need another flavour .
When cooled , take the mixture and knead lightly to make it smooth . Pinch off small balls of the mixture and shape into round pedha.
You can use a store brand pedha maker or even a bottle lid will do .
Make designs with a fork .
Garnish with slivers of nuts .
Enjoy delicious pedha!
Tip : when you remove the pedha miuxture and keep it loose with grainy texture, it is our Theratipaal ( south indian /Tamil )
If you gather the thick pedha dough , smooth out the grainy textured dough by gently kneading or mashing on the plate after it has cooled down well, it becomes a soft smooth pedha dough .
Theratipaal mixture .
Milk pedha
Milk pedha
Watch my youtube video of this recipe . Do subscribe to my channel for regular uploads
Karadayan Nonbu or Savitri Vratham is a traditional Tamil festival observed through fasting and the ritual tying of turmeric-smeared yellow threads around the necks. It is a solemn occasion where women pray fervently for the well-being and longevity of their husbands.