Your Everyday Cook

Mahalaya Sept 18 - October 2 ( 2024)


Mahalaya Sept 18 - October 2 ( 2024) 〰️

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Srardham Samayal
srardham meal, srardham samayal Radha Natarajan srardham meal, srardham samayal Radha Natarajan

Srardham Samayal

Sradha" encompasses sincerity, loyalty, or devotion, deriving from the word "shraddha," meaning devotion. Hence, our rituals dedicated to our forefathers should be conducted with "shraddha," indicating attention and sincerity. The term "srardham" is employed by Brahmins who undertake the annual rites for the deceased. Each year, sons fulfill the annual rites for their departed parents samayal in detail with tips on how to cook a srardham meal without difficulty

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Your Everyday Cook

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