Kitchen King masala powder

Kitchen King masala powder

Even though several brands of Kitchen King Sabzi masala is available in the market , it is a good idea to make some at home as it is very easy and you can powder a fresh stock from time to time , you can also add or skip any ingredient , increase or reduce the quantity of ingredients suitable to your preference .

By referring to the list of ingredients mentioned in the ready made pack I have tried my home made variety of Kitchen King Masala and it is very versatile too .

    Ingredients : 

8-10 red chillies

2 tbsp Chana dal

1 tbsp fennel

2 sticks cinnamon

1 tbsp coriander seeds

1 tsp turmeric powder

1 tbsp cumin seeds

1 tsp shahi jeera

1-2 small pieces of dry ginger

6 cloves
3-4 mace petals

5-6 green cardamom

3-4 big black cardamom

A small piece of nutmeg or powder

1 star anise

1 tbsp poppy seeds

3 bay leaves


Heat a pan and dry roast ingredients till aromatic . Roast a few ingredients at a time .

When cooled grind to a powder .

This is a great taste maker for many North Indian style cooking like sabzi s and gravies .

and dals too.


Adai Pre mix with 10 grains


Pav Bhaji Masala powder