Your Everyday Cook

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Milk pedha

Milk pedha

I have posted some Mava pedha recipes earlier, using mava made from a easy method, another one using condensed milk...but this recipe beats them all as it is not only delicious but easy to make cutting stirring time and so no arm aching experience of constant stirring of mixture till thickened.

The only ingredient you need to have is milk powder, sugar which is available in our house, some cardamom powder and pistachios to garnish.

This is a very basic recipe which your kids can use to make yummy mava pedhas when a craving kicks in. Especially good for students in hostels or dorms who have a small micro wave ..can easily make this in a jiffy..easier than stove top.

All you need to do is mix ingredients, microwave till it thicken to a dough, say around 2-3 minutes..
Remove and shape to pedhas when cooled . The pedhas look better when the dough is refrigerated for some time before shaping.


1 cup milk powder
1 tbsp melted ghee
1/4 cup hot water or hot milk.
1/4 cup or less powdered sugar
Slivered pistachios for garnish
Pinch of cardamom powder.


Boil the water or milk well, add the melted ghee to it.
Quickly add the milk powder , sugar and cardamom powder and mix well using a spatula , by now the pedha mixture will look like a smooth dough. Like a thick poori dough.
You can keep it immediately on a non stick pan to keep stirring and making it a little more dry if you find it a bit too soft to handle . Add more milk powder while on stove to bring consistency to a thick dough and make it non sticky. Do not add any additional water or milk.
Remove immediately and let it cool.
You can keep it in fridge and make the pedhas later.
Take out the pedha dough from the fridge, it would have hardened a bit but that's fine as we can now make smooth pedhas easily. No need to grease the palm etc, as the dough is very workable.
Place the pedha dough between plastic sheet, use a rolling pin to flatten it to thick sheet , decide the thickness of pedha you want . I made it a bit thin as we tend to eat more of these.
Use a cup or a cookie cutter to shape the pedhas,garnish with psitachio slivers.
After tasting these easy to make pedhas, you will never rush to buy them from the sweet shop for Diwali or any festival.

Milk pedha

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