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Little Millets /Samai upma kozhukkatai

Samai Upma kozhukkatai

Millets are a collection of small grained grasses collectively called as Millets. There are many varieties. Two main groups are sorghum and pearl millets.
Refined grains have no bran in them so when such grains are consumed the blood glucose /sugar levels shoots up.
Over a period of time the body keeps pumping out more quantity of insulin and usually develops insulin resistance.With the glucose levels going up rapidly the body develops diabetes.
Millets being whole grain release a slow and lesser percentage of glucose and over a long period of time lowers the risk of diabetes.
It is better to switch to these whole small grains called millet with a great variety of them in our daily diet as now the awareness of the rich nutritional benefits of these small grains is widely known and so our usage has increased and almost all dishes using rice or wheat has now been replaced by one of these millet varieties.
Traditional recipes have now been tried with millets such as dosa, idlis, pongal, khichadi, adai, kozhukattai, and a variety of similar traditional dishes.

Little Millets /Samai Kozhukattai


1 cup little millets/ samai

2 tbsp chana dal/bengal gram or Moong dal

1 tsp cumin seeds / jeera

1 tsp cracked black pepper

Pinch of asafoetida powder

salt to taste.

2 tbsp grated fresh coconut ( optional)

To temper

1/2 tsp mustard seeds

1 tsp split udad dal

2 red chillies

2 tsp oil

some curry leaves.


Take a pressure cooker or a pan, add some oil , let it heat up.

Add the split udad dal, mustard seeds, red chillies, cumin seeds and some curry leaves.

When the mustard seeds pop and the dal turns golden , add some water around 2 cups, let it boil well.

Add the millets with the dal, pepper, salt, asafoetida powder, grated coconut, mix well and cover the cooker with lid and place the weight on it. Allow two whistles and allow the pressure cooker to cool down completely.

After opening the cooker, take out the cooked millet mixture for kohakattai and allow to cool a bit.

Make small balls oval in shape or round as you like, with your palm, not pressing too much and place on greased idli plates or steamer plates.

Let the steamer be on boil, place the greased plate with the prepared dumplings and steam till 12 minutes or til done well.

Remove when cooled and serve with chutneys of your choice.

Keep the dumplings in a covered vessel till required.

Note : The kozhukattai mixture can be prepared in a open pan too as you do for upma. Cooker is faster though.

Health benefits:

Millets are highly nutritious, non-glutinous and not acid forming foods. Hence they are soothing and easy to digest.
They are considered to be the least allergenic and most digestible grains available.
Compared to Paddy rice, especially polished Paddy rice, millets release lesser percentage of glucose and over a longer period of time. This lowers the risk of diabetes.

Small millets are more nutritious compared to fine cereals.
Finger millet is the most richest source of calcium, and other millets are a good source of phosphorous and iron.

Some of the healthy benefits of consuming millets..

Helps in prevention of constipation, high dietary fiber,lowering blood cholesterol, slow release of glucose to the blood stream during digestion., lower incidence of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes.
Millets are rich sources of important vitamins.

Millets Upma kozhukkatai

Millets Upma kozhukkatai

Millets Upma Kozhukkatai

millet names

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