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Healthy breakfast Millets and mixed dal dosa

Next time you are wondering about a quick healthy breakfast try this..

Millets and mixed dals dosa is something you can serve quickly in the morning without planning , long hours of fermenting, one of the healthiest way to start off a busy day as the dosa is made with a mix of dals, some fenugreek seeds, healthy and adding millets makes it even more nutritious, easily digestible and very good for diabetics.

Make it as thin and crispy as you like or thicker , taste great.Soaking time is just 1 1/2 hours to 2 hrs only. So when you wake up thinking about breakfast, this comes handy. I soaked the ingredients at 5.30 am and 7.30 am my hubby enjoyed a good breakfast.


½ cup chana dal

¼ cup Moong dal

¼ cup toor dal

¼ cup udad dal

½ cup millets of your choice like kodo millets, barnyard millets, or a mix of millets

1 tsp methi seeds

3 tbsp of poha

3-4 red chillies

Salt as required

Oil for making dosas.

A big pinch of asafoetida powder.


Soak all together for 1 ½ hours to 2 hrs.

Grind to a smooth dosa like batter with red chillies, generous pinch of asafoetida powder, salt.

Remove batter, whisk well to make it light and airy, add some crushed curry leaves, make dosa in a dosa tava, as thin or as thick as you like, comes out great both ways.Cook both sides.

Add drops of oil along the edges to get a crispy end.

Yummy millet dals dosa ready to be served with your choice of accompaniments.

I spread the batter just like normal masala dosa to get a very thin yet crispy dosa.

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