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Breakfast Parfait

Breakfast Parfait

Breakfast Parfait is usually prepared with yogurt , and layered with a mix of fruits and nuts chopped , some granola.

Although it has simple ingredients , it results in an exotic looking breakfast with an assortment of fruits, nuts , seeds and anything else you feel is breakfast worthy .

Breakfast are super healthy, quickl and easy for the people on the move and need to grab a nreakfats on the go, totally can be made ahead by assembling overnight , just fill up your glass and go .

It is convenient and the best bet for those prone to skipping breakfast and in a tearing rush to go to school, college, office or anywhere . I particulalrly love it on days i decide to go out for a brisk walk and sit down to enjoy a light parfait.


Parfait  French: meaning "perfect is either of two types of  dessert. In  France where Parfait has itgs origin , it is usually made by boiling crea, eggs , sugar , and custard and a puiree like creamy custard is created. How ever the American way is basically layering with ingredients , likke granola, nuts, yogurt, topped with seasonal fruits , whipped cream and usually served in tall glasses .

In French, the word appropriately means "perfect." Over the years since, the parfait has been reimagined as a layered dessert served in a clear glass.

Breakfast Parfait is usually a great way to begin your busy day , persoanlly i feel it is a dessert for breakfst that can be made healthy by including healthy stuff.

Ingredients like yogurt, chia seeds , flax seeds , basil seeds ,can be used to build a healthy nutritious Breakfast Parfait .

Breakfast Parfait

Breakfaast Parfait


1/2 cup thick fresh yogurt or thick almond milk , or even fruit puree with no sugar added .

1/3 cup overnight soaked oats

1/2 cup of mixed fruits and nuts , chopped or sliced

3 tbsp honey granola

1 tsp flax seeds

1 tsp sunflower seeds

1 tsp hemp seeds

1 tbsp date syrup


Take a tall glass , add the overnight soaked oats , layer with honey granola, layer with some cut fruits and nuts , layer with thick yogurt, layer with more nuts and seeds, layer again with yogurt , top it with sliced fruits, or sprinkle some chopped slivered nuts and seeds , add a splash of date syrup .

allow to chill .

Enjoy !

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