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Gajar ka halwa| carrot halwa

Gajar ka halwa

Gajar ka halwa, also known as gajorer halua, gajrela, gajar pak, and carrot halwais a carrot based sweet dessert pudding made by placing grated carrots in a pot containing a specific amount of water, milk and sugar, cardamom and then cooking while stirring regularly. It is often served with a garnish of almonds and pistachios.The nuts and other items used are first sauteed in ghee a type of clarified butter from the Indian subcontinent.. ( wiki )

Gajar ka halwa or carrot halwa is a pudding like sweet delicacy predominantly popular and most sought afte in Northern states although the southern states do have their variations with carrots halwa.

Here I have shared the same recipe that is typically found in almost all restaurants in North India and the way it is served in weddings etc . However the cooking methods may be different .

There are few ways you can process the carrots to prepare this delicacy . One is to wash , peel and grate the carrots which is the best method if you ask me .

Not only do the carrot halwa prepared this way seem very elegant and tasty , the feel and texture of grated carrots is altogether a tasty experience .

Furthermore the grated carrots have a non mushy kind of feel .

Second method would be to chop carrots into smaller pieces , pressure cook them , and mash them lightly to small pieces , without making the texture mushy. This method is recommended for large quantities, for seniors who can’t grate many carrots at a stretch due to pain in their arms etc .

Furthermore the carrot halwa prepared this way is no different and equally yummy . I have personally tried the pressure cooker method when i run short of time or need to make the halwa quickly in a no fuss fashion .

Instant pot is also an ideal option to prepare the halwa in one go .

Food processors can be very helpful in chopping the peeled carrots to fine pieces . Here in my recipe i have used a hand held processor to mince carrots to fine pieces . I love this taste too as the very small pieces of carrots that cook in the sugar and milk concoction makes the carrots taste so juicy and succulent . If you want to process the carrots to very fine texture , go ahead and do it . The ultimate taste comes from the combination of carrots, milk , sugar and the ghee fried nuts as garnish with the fragrance of cardamom powder . To give the halwa an elevated taste , use condensed milk , avoid sugar and you have a delicious lip smacking halwa within minutes .

Furthermore adding milk powder to the carrots cooked in milk gives a creamy mava taste which I highly recommend esp if you are not using full fat milk for cooking carrots .


500 grams carrots –(preferable Delhi red 🥕) grated or chopped finely in food processor.

1/2 cup milk

1 cup milk powder

3 tbsps ghee

¼ teaspoon cardamom powder

5 to 10 tablespoons sugar According to your preference.

Chopped nuts or slivers of almonds pistachios.


  1. Firstly Finely grate or process washed peeled Red carrots ( or orange )

Next Take a heavy bottomed pan ,Add 1 tbsp ghee , add the grated carrots and sautee till fragrant . This step is optional but recommended.

Furthermore add milk and cook the carrots.

Keep flame on medium and cook carrots in milk till tender .

Meanwhile take a sautee pan , add 1 tbsp ghee , add dry nuts like slivered almonds , pistachios and lightly ghee fry them , and keep aside .

Check on the milk and carrots cooking , Now add sugar , allow the mixture to cook further , add cardamom powder . once the mixture starts thickening , add milk powder by sprinkling all over .

Don’t bother about small lumps , they will cook and turn to grainy mava like and give good texture .

Add the ghee fried nuts and keep some for garnishing .

Remove the gajar ka halwa when the mixture is almost thickened well . Remove and garnish . Serve warm or chilled .